Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dengue Vaccine

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases suggests that finding a vaccine to control dengue fever is promising.  There are several possible candidates that are currently being tested at various levels.  Specifically, there is a chimeric vaccine that is being developed by Sanofi Pasteur that should be available by 2015.  This is actually the leading contender for possible vaccines.

As many as 50 million people a year are infected with dengue fever.  Usual dengue fever control is focused  on transmission reduction, such as eliminating still water that serves as breeding grounds.

The pan American Health Organization in San Juan, Puerto Rico increased spending on dengue from $5 million in 2000 to $30 million in 2005 and $44.4 million last year, with 68% to basic research, 24% to vaccine, 12% to treatments, and 2% to diagnostics.  Additionally, the Australia’s George Instititue for International health reported that the world spending on dengue in 2008 was approximately $126.8 million.


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